Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Remembering tangents

Neoteny / juvenilization / fetalization may be what brings humanity to its knees. Forever suckling at the mothering tits society has handed us as a luxury for centuries now only further leads the majority of our offspring into a retardation of our survival instincts. Such as kings w/ hired maidens to specially pre-chew their food soz to relieve them of the first physical "labor" of eating, just as an extreme example.
Even w/ the padding that modern society offers us, in which either way we must work ourselves to death, still holds us in a position where we are dependent such as ignorant newborns. How many of our adults are walking, talking infants due to socialization & environment?
Thankfully though some of us are not given this option at birth. Perhaps the orphans w/out the nurturing mother should feel grateful, because it gives them an advantage. I am not an orphan, but by will at birth I rejected being nurtured. One could very well say I hit the ground running, & literally acted as though I wanted nothing to do w/ the body I was cut from. Due to this, I was thrown out w/ the bathwater & it never could've worked out better in the end. I know how to depend on myself & no one else; as well I have literally fought for my life on several occasions. If society crumbled tomorrow, whether in the remaining anarchy or the wilderness I would still do what I have to do to survive. & the cracking joke of all of it to me, is that the ones continually questioning my sanity would also be the ones crawling to folks like me to survive. Thinkers, poets, heretics, saints are more likely the true warriors in modern times. The very human beings which are rejected from this so-called norm of adult infantile society are the ones who will survive.
Humanity, I keep referring to us in the whole as being infantile as far as government/society goes. My reasoning for this is actually based off of a very simple observation of children in their cognitive development. We take it as a birth right to rebel from the very flesh & blood we were born from. Humanity in the whole seems to be rebelling viciously against Mother Nature...the very dirt we were born from. & I see, as children grow up they continue to rebel from what they hate about their parents while subconsciously living out those very flaws in their own lives from different angles. No matter if we rebel, no matter if we crush each other, no matter if we personally murder our mother & father...it's still the foundation we rose from & can never entirely forget or leave behind. W/ humanity & nature it is that nature will catch up w/ humanity & bite it in the ass. To me, we're just an over-grown pack of kids & most only existing as they run for their lives. Some though, some see it & are able to feel alive on the fringes of the pack while continuing in symbiosis w/ nature. However, the over-grown pack of kids, w/ every step tends to hasten their very demise.

(written in 2013)

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